Why Choose Us?
Put our expertise to work for you. At Stamford i-Lipo Center, we are proud to be a premier provider for i-Lipo Ultra and Venus Freeze services for Fairfield County and Surrounding Areas.
Leader In Technology
We have innovative advanced laser technology.The i-Lipo system is the most advanced laser system in the market for fat reduction and body contouring. Venus Freeze tightens skin in the face. Neck as well as entire body.
Customized Treatment
We spend the time to learn about your lifestyle and goals to integrate a unique plan of treatment for you. We evaluate your overall health and we monitor your health status from your first visit to the end of the treatment. We evaluate the results with facts; we weigh you, measure you and obtain laboratory analysis to show your improvements.
We offer a full month of treatment with both I-lipo, i-Lipo Ultra and Venus Freeze.
Highly Trained Staff
Our staff is fully trained and certified.
are the only FDA approved skin contact laser for circumferential reduction.